Monday, August 31, 2009

Decisions, Decisions...

I am going to admit it - I am not a tiara girl. Nor am I a hair flower girl. I don't know why, I love how they look on other people (particularly the flowers) but I would be self-conscious and touching it all night. Plus, I have thin hair, and it would take a lot of effort to keep one in. And I have a small head, so I'm nervous about ordering head ornaments off of the internet, because I can't tell how they would look on me.

I've already decided to wear a veil for the ceremony. It will be long. It will be amazing. It might even potentially be my mothers veil, which is absolutely gorgeous, now that there wouldn't be two competing lace patterns (remember my 2 dress dilemma?). If it isn't my moms, it will have been made by my mom, which is also awesome. So the ceremony hair situation is pretty much under control.

The reception, however, is where I start to get confused. I know I want a headband, and I want it to sparkle. I particularly like oval shapes for some reason. Perhaps it's because I don't have to commit yet, but I'm having a really hard time finding something "perfect". I looked at 80 pages of "crystal headbands" on etsy yesterday, and looked at every single one that did not include a baby (side note: why so many baby headbands? did I miss out on a baby trend when I was little?). Literally, every single one. So here are a few of my favorites....

This is my least favorite one because there are no crystals or sparkle. But it's kind of the right size and I like the asymmetry of it. It's also the best price, at $20.
This one is my absolute favorites. It's basically perfect - I saw it and gasped. And then I looked over at the price and gasped again. $205 for this beauty!(source)
These two headbands are from the same seller, and I really like a lot of her things. I love the shapes and the asymmetry again, but they just aren't perfect like the one on top. But the price is also much better, at $60 for either of them. The seller also has some beautiful necklaces, including one that I am seriously considering buying. (source)
I thought this one was really delicate and pretty. More sparkle than the ones directly above, and still with some fun detail. And it's priced well, at $58. I'm just not in love with it though.. which is sad.
This last one is probably my second favorite. It has the soft ribbon headband of the super-expensive one, and is delicate and sparkly. It has the oval shapes I was initially looking for. I am a bit worried about it slipping in my hair, but I'm sure it's nothing that bobby pins can't handle. This seller also has tons of other choices in case this one sells out. It's only $40 too - which is pretty amazing. Of course, it is attached to a velvet ribbon, and there's something about the texture of velvet that kind of freaks me out.

Which one is your favorite? Have you seen any on sites other than etsy that I should look at? And what are you doing with your hair?


Jackie said...

for you -- i really like number 2. :)

Ellen said...

I like the next to last one. I'm letting my hair grow out. ;)

And when you were a baby, you had no hair and the headband trend was a satin covered elastic thingy that just popped off your head whenever we gave it a try. Plus, you hated things on your head.

the simple things: said...
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