Thursday, August 27, 2009

Finding a Photographer, Part I

Aside from finding a venue, finding a photographer was really on the top of our list. You see, Thomas himself is actually a photographer, currently in the process of getting his degree in Fine Arts Studio - Photography. He has actually even shot a few weddings himself. Needless to say, this made our search for a photographer somewhat difficult. I would email him links to certain people who looked just fine to me, but he would respond with things like.. "The space under their faces is too dark" or "The angles just aren't right in a few of these pictures."

Yes. I'm being serious.

At some point right at the beginning of our engagement, my mom and I went to a Bridal Show just to see what it was like. It was free, so we figured we might as well. We didn't really find anything at the actual event, but looking through my giftbag later I discovered there were tons of business cards, including a few photographers. One of them was David Christensen Photography, and his was one of the few websites that Thomas really enjoyed. He had even taken pictures at our venue, which was really interesting to see.

We set up an appointment to meet them on a weekend Thomas was going to be in town. However, it was on a Friday night, so he had to drive like a maniac from Lexington all the way to Athens with no breaks! We had a really great meeting with them, and got to see several albums and full weddings. Albums were one another thing that Thomas was really picky about, and David really blew us away with his albums.

One thing I didn't really foresee? How expensive it was all going to be! I know that you get what you pay for, especially with photography, but I felt like we could get someone equally as good for at least a little less money. It was really kind of awkward, but as much as Thomas loved them, I just couldn't handle several things about the price, including how much our relatives would have to pay if they wanted prints. We had already planned on looking at other photographers anyway (isn't that what you're supposed to do?) and they knew we weren't planning on signing right then anyway, so we left feeling a little conflicted. They were great photographers, no doubt.. but I wanted to keep looking.

Coming up next, the second and best part of finding a photographer!

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