Monday, September 07, 2009

Better Together

After dating for about 4 months, Thomas and I both had come to the conclusion that this was definitely serious, and we were both in it for the long haul. At some point, he told his best friends that he believed I was "the one." From that point on, it was always "when we live together" or "when we're married", and a lot of our conversations were focused on the future. Since I was graduating first, at some point we decided that I would move to Lexington and live with him for his final year of college. While it is definitely a life-changing decision, I don't think there was ever a doubt in my mind that the plan was going to work out. Which is probably why I got engaged at the age that I did, at the time that I did, even though we had never really stayed together for longer than oh, a week. 

Needless to say, there were times when I wondered if we were doing the right thing. I had made the request that we at least be engaged before we move in, proving that I do have a somewhat traditional bone in my body. We knew that we were going to find out things about each other and learn potentially annoying characteristics, ones that we would now be living with forever. 

After one month of living together, I am happy to report that we're doing even better than I had imagined. If you have never been in a LDR, it's hard to describe how amazing it is to see the person you love every single day. While there are certainly times when we frustrate each other, overall our relationship is growing and we're becoming even closer. 

(the dining room/reading nook - we recovered those chairs, at which point Thomas made me promise never to reupholster anything else ever again.)
(our bedroom - yes that's me!)

We went straight from a long-distance relationship to living together, which I know some might consider crazy. Did you take a non-traditional path towards marriage and living together? 


Anonymous said...

I totally hear you on the "appreciating every minute together" aspect of the LDR. I think it also helps cut out some of the b.s. that comes up a lot of times in relationships--I find that we're just nicer and more considerate to each other because we know every minute is so precious. We currently get to live together about 5 months of every year and I'm so looking forward to that becoming something closer to 12 :)

Kerri said...

I'm not sure what this says about my character but most of the married folks I know did just what you are doing...lived together for a time before married. Or maybe that's just my impression because that's exactly what my dh and I did before our marriage 16 years ago. ;) Love what you did with the chairs...looks complicated!

Jeanne said...

When you know he's the one, then he's the one! My husband and I had dated 6 months when he asked me to marry him. We'll celebrate 25years this July.

Love the chairs!!Your apartment is goregous. Very serene and cheery.